Newborn photography – a guide for parents

Tina Stobbs • May 22, 2018

Splashing out on newborn photography is a decision that few new parents ever regret. The first few weeks of a new bundle’s life is so exciting, novel, hectic, visitor-filled and blurred around the edges due to sleep deprivation. Employing a newborn photographer can give you an amazing permanent reminder of the cutest side of those days, which fly by oh so fast…

So, you’ve decided to take the plunge and book a photographer to come and record your gorgeous bundle’s first few days on earth – here are a few hints and tips about what you can expect, what you’ll need to do to prepare and how to get the best out of the session.

Selecting the perfect newborn photographer for you

Making the right choice of photographer can mean the difference between amazing photos to treasure forever, and images that you’re not quite happy with.

The best thing to do is shop around and only select the newborn photographer whose images you find the most appealing. It’s no good going for a minimal style if you’re after frills and flowers.

All the best photographers will be happy to show you their past work to help you come to the right decision.

Consider whether you’re happy for a photographer to come to your own home, where you’ll have everything you need for the baby right at hand, or whether you’d like to leave the house and travel to a studio to have the photographs taken.

The advantages of hiring an independent photographer

There are many advantages of booking an independent newborn photographer (ahem, me!) as opposed to a large chain organisation.

Firstly, your photoshoot will be custom designed around your baby, and around your own wishes. I will work with you to discuss the style of shoot you’d like, the kind of props you’d like to use and even help you decide on outfits for your precious little one.

Secondly, I’ll spend hours over your shoot. Not only taking the photographs, but editing them to perfection afterwards – that just wouldn’t happen with a large chain, nameless photographer.

Preparing for your newborn photography shoot

Once there’s a date in the diary, there are a few things you can do to prepare for my arrival.

  • Firstly, prepare yourself to see a real-life prop addiction in action – ha ha!
  • Next, I’ll need the largest, warmest space you have to work with. Sometimes this may mean we need to move furniture around (don’t worry, I’m stronger than I look!) but this can all be decided on in plenty of time to make it happen.
  • The space needs to be as warm as possible as your little one will be naked some of the time – we don’t want any chills being caught!
  • Please try to clear your diary on the day of the shoot. I aim to run the shoot between 9.30am and 2.30pm on the day so please discourage visitors during that time so that we have plenty of time and space to get all the shots you’d like.
  • Dress your little one in loose, comfortable clothing to avoid pressure marks – an unpatterned blanket is usually the perfect solution.
  • I know that babies are the boss, but try and feed your little one before the shoot starts so that they’re happy and snoozy for as long as possible.
  • If you’ve had a C-section, don’t worry. We can work out all the details for the day. But do have a think about where you will be most comfortable to feed your little one and whether you’ll be able to wander about.
  • And if you have a midwife or health visitor scheduled to come, don’t worry. It’s a frequent occurrence on shoot days and they are normally happy to wait a few minutes if we are almost at the perfect shot.

During your newborn photography session

I have a practiced routine for my newborn shoots, which usually start with some portraits on a beanbag. However, if your little bundle is too awake, plan B kicks in – snuggly basket shots.

I start with the shots that you’re most keen to capture, then work backwards for as long as your little one will allow. Ideally, we will get through at least four set ups.

As a highly trained newborn photographer, you’ll find I’m really persistent if your little one decides not to play ball. I’ve been called the baby whisperer for my ability to soothe newborns and achieve the shots we’re hoping for, but I generally try each shot three times before calling time.

Finally, I will ask you to sign a consent form – this is to enable me to use some of your images to promote my business. If you agree, you will always see the images before I use them and I never use the name of your child.

After your session

Now it’s time to sit back, relax and await a sneak peek of your images.

I generally allow around a week for the edited images to be ready for viewing but try to get a little sample to you straight away.

Once they’re edited to perfection, I’ll either email low resolution images to you or upload them to a secure online gallery – now is the time for you to make decisions about which images you’ll like in your package. I individually number each image so there will be no miscommunication about which images you’ve chosen.

So, don’t forget…

  • Have any personal props (family heirlooms, teddies, items from your hobbies or wedding rings etc) ready to be used in the shoot.
  • Keep your shoot room warm so your baby doesn’t get too cold – this means you may need to dress in lightweight clothes!
  • Switch off mobile phones and any other distractions during the shoot.
  • No photographs are to be taken (other than by me, obviously) unless we’ve agreed for you to take some behind the scenes shots.
  • White noise is often quite helpful to settle your baby – please have any favourite music or sounds to hand. Sometimes having the TV on in the background is enough.
  • Try to have at least one other person there during the shoot to help with moving furniture etc. Sometimes shoots are long and tiring for everyone so extra help is appreciated.
  • Have water or drinks on hand – it’s thirsty work!
  • Keep baby’s clothing light and loose to avoid creases or red marks on the baby’s body.
  • Keep your baby well-fed to increase the chance of sleep!

And that’s it!

I can’t wait to meet you and your little one for your newborn photography shoot.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Tina x

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