It’s been eight years since I started my amazing business – and what an eight years it’s been!? There have been some challenges along the way but there have been SO many more highs, successes and laughs!
So, here’s a little round up of eight years in photos of Captured Forever for anyone who’d like to celebrate with me. There have been so many of you involved in my business, one way or another, so this is my little way of celebrating, saying thank you and generally shouting about the business that I love.
An expanding list of photoshoots
Since starting out back in 2014, Captured Forever has evolved to suit the needs and desires of an incredible base of customers. Everything I do is driven by my customers and how they want to remember their lives through photographs.
That’s why I’ve expanded my offering from newborns and first birthday celebrations to, pets and headshots for small businesses and Weddings. We all want to capture images of big celebrations and furry family members too, right?
I’ve opened up subscriptions for those customers who want to stagger the payments and book a couple of different shoots per year – perfect if you want to update your family album, celebrate a big birthday or simply enjoy some of the themes I offer throughout the year.
And speaking of themes, I’m always working hard behind the scenes to offer smaller, more affordable shoots with delicious themes like teddy bears, Father’s Day, Bluebells and when I grow up… imagine a wall full of gorgeous photos of your loved ones! Oh, and you get VIP treatment when it comes to booking too – you get the pick of the times and dates! If you’d like to know more about my subscription service, there’s a blog about that very thing, here.
Making it through a pandemic
Gosh, haven’t the past couple of years been a bit of a challenge. I know everyone has faced their own struggles in the face of pandemic, but I’m just so grateful to have come through the other side and still have a business.
And that, in a huge way, is down to you. My amazing, loyal, supportive and incredible customers. It always amazes me how much support I get from you lot. Whenever I suggest a new theme or photoshoot opportunity, you’re all there at the end of my social media platforms, cheering me on. I can’t tell you how important and amazing that’s been for me, especially over the past couple of years.
It's not secret that I’ve had to take on extra work to keep my head above water when I wasn’t allowed to whip out my camera and do what I love the most. But the fact remains that I have THE BEST CUSTOMERS in the world. Thank you, thank you, thank you. For each message of support, each share of a post, for each and every booking. You are incredible and I couldn’t begin to tell you how grateful I am.
Celebrating eight years
And that’s why I’m celebrating. Getting through these eight years has been a privilege and an honour. I’ve always been an optimist – after all, someone has to survive – so I never doubted my business or that I’d still be snapping gorgeous memories at this point. But your support is everything.
There are so many other photographers out there – you could choose any one of them. But you choose me. And that? That gives me ALL the feels. THANK YOU!
Your photographer,
Tina 📷
Creating images that give you all the feels