What are the best First Birthday Photoshoot options?

Tina Stobbs • November 29, 2021

Your little one is having their first birthday - capture it forever!

 It’s such a milestone when you look back at their newborn photos and how much they have developed in such a short time. Now they are smiling, moving, eating, and their personalities emerging with vigour. It’s a time to not just celebrate their very first birthday, but all so congratulate yourself on making it through teething, sleep regression, weaning, and those early tempers!


My kids first birthday pictures are the ones that have remained on the walls all these years, others come and go but those first ones have stayed, and each year they have been a timely reminder of just how much they have grown and developed.

I have several options for celebrating and capturing your little ones first birthday.

But which photoshoot is right for you?


The Cake Smash.

The cake smash has been around for a while and is a popular choice for first birthdays. I like to keep it simple and about your little ones face not getting overshadowed by busy backdrops and props.


There are three elements to a cake smash, portraits at the beginning (that are clean), the smash, and the bath tub to clean up after.

Why do I do this? Well in my experience most little ones will prefer one element over the others and the smiles flow, by spreading the options we have more chance of getting happy shots.


Cake smashes are best if you have done baby lead weaning or messy play so they are really comfy getting their hands in and feeding themselves. It's also worth thinking about doing some cupcake training, as some can find that they have never had so much sweet taste, the icing in particular, all at once, and its a bit overwhelming. They can need regular water breaks to cleanse the pallet.

Equally if your baby has showers rather than baths it might be worth doing some sink baths to get them used to being sitting in water and in particular the benefits of spalshing!


I provide outfits for the smash, balloons and paper pom poms to match either the outfit you choose of mine or one that you are providing yourself, I bring the tin bath, and props for the initial portrait shots. The only thing I can't provide is the cake! And that is down to food hygiene regulations as I don't have a hygiene certificate, nor do I have knowledge to manage the allergy information. I do know a cake baker if you need one. You can find them here.


I can do these shoots at your home if you have enough space - they are space heavy, or you can come to my rented studio and keep the mess out of your home. It's is worth mentioning that you are likely to get messy aswell with your little one climbing in and out of the set, maybe needing encouragement to get going, and the transition between the smash and tin bath will involve holding a messy child!

Baby Picasso


The baby artist shoots are pretty new, and like the cake smash are messy, but they make their own bit of artwork for you to keep. I have brushes but find that they are hands on! I use edible paint as the brushes tend to go straight in their mouths, it doesn't taste that brilliant, but it makes for brilliant messy faces! On the canvas I put a large 1 sticker to keep the paint off a clear bit which we peel off at the end. And once dry just needs a spray of clear varnish to secure it for years to come.


These shoots are ideal if you have any food allergies as they still allow messy photos without the food element, Again if you have done messy play its ideal as they are not held up my getting used the sensation of stuff on their hands. 


I provide outfits, the canvas, the paints (although you are welcome to bring your own if you wish), and do these shoots in my hired studio as we need a flat floor and large space! You'll need to bring a change of clothes for them and maybe you! A towel, and it might be worth putting something in your car to rest the painting on for the trip home, they can be quite full of wet paint!

Baby Portraits


These are the simplest and cheapest option to capture your amazing little bundle of cuteness. I have LOADS of vintage inspired outfits, and we choose three of your faves, and work from the most wanted to like to have, as three outfit changes is quite a big ask for your little ones. Each set up is different with minimal props, just about the lighting and that little face. If your little one is crawling we have several basket and prop options to keep them contained or slow them down! And if they are standing we can capture that as well. Bring you favourite sound noises or silly faces that make them smile.

Family Photos

Of course you could always head outdoors and do some family portraits together....

So there are loads of options to make sure you capture those unforgetable memories of their very first birthday ever!! If one or two take your fancy and you want to know about current pricing just drop me a line, always more than happy to help.


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