Whitley Bay Photography business expanding and growing

Tina Stobbs • April 20, 2022

Here we are, out the other side of the pandemic, and although labelled ‘non-essential’ unlike many others -  I survived! I decided someone had too right? So, might aswell be me! And we are growing….expanding if you will.

Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s had its challenges, and now faced with more as I move from ‘non-essential’ to ‘luxury item’ as we all tighten our belts with the rising costs around us. But once again I will survive – so the range of shoots is expanding, and the range of products growing. Why though - well one thing I have learnt is that I can't not take photos, I live and breath it, my minds eye is racing all the time with possibilities in all sorts of situations - I just wish I could win the Lotto and do it all for free! But I can't there are bills to pay and my camera needs to work a bit harder, and here is how I'm going to do it.....

Newborn and Maternity

Not only will I continue with the core of my business and my first love of newborn shoots and the three mobile experiences to your home, but I have introduced an entry level Mini Newborn option at the studio, AND expanded with a Bump to Baby option if you are wanting to include images from your pregnancy aswell as your newborn. Click the link here to see more Newborn images Link. 

Newborns change so quickly, capturing them in those first weeks is an investment you never regret - well I say that - when mine were little and before I was a photographer full time I paid an absolute fortune for my newborn pictures, lured in with a free photo, and now I look at them and all I think is how blinkin expensive they were. And with that in mind is why I have digital only options so that you have the high resolution image to print as many times as you like, as big or small, or on whatever you want! Yes they are one of my most expensive shoot options, but they are probably the least profitable given the work they take in packing, travelling, setting up, posing, settling and then the really time heavy bit of editing them. The props needed is endless!

Mobile newborn experiences range from £299 – 499* in your home

Mini newborns are £199*

And Bump to Baby are £250 *

If you are wanting a stand alone Maternity Shoot they also remain and can be indoor or outdoor. Click the link here to see more Maternity Images Link

As for payment options, you can spread the cost out over the months leading up to your newborn shoot, I can accept card payments (2.5% surcharge applies), or paypal or bank transfer. It always makes me smile when new parents use the cash they get inundated with when their little one arrives to create these priceless memories that you return back to year after year.


Having done some occasional weddings for folk that I know, or newborn parents of mine, the demand and enquiries post Covid made me really consider adding weddings to my offering - and I am so glad that I have.  What an absolute privilage to be part of your day! I just slot in and get things done, I think one of the biggest benefits is that as we discuss in detail your plans, on the day if something isn't right I can spot it and get it corrected - because we have chatted and I get what's super important to your day.

So fast becoming one of the biggest parts of my business is my simple 3 hour Wedding package that covers the essentials of your Wedding day. These have become very popular with those having a smaller more intimate Wedding where it might be a second marriage, or couples already have kids, or are maybe a bit camera shy and looking for something a bit more low key. At £550* it is great value to receive all your images digitally to print and do with as you please. Click on this link to see more wedding gallaries Link.

Monthly Themes

In 2022 I have expanded into shooting monthly themes, starting at £35* for a single edited image, these entry level shoots are a really good value way to get a lovely professional photo, and being every month can be timed with birthdays etc. The main thinking for these shoots was that we have 2 years of pandemic babies that have missed out on loads of photo opportunities and it is time to catch that up and put it right. There are only 12 spaces available each month for these shoots, and they can be upgraded if you prefer more images or actually just NEED them all.

The schedule for 2022 looks like this.....

Feb – Valentines (Indoor)

March – Mother’s Day (Indoor)

April – Easter and the Daffodils (Outside)

May  - The Bluebells (Outside)

June – Father’s Day (Outside)

July – Teddy Bears Picnic and When I Grow Up (Indoor)

August – Beach Babes and Family (Outdoors)

September – School and Vintage (Indoors)

October – School and Autumn (Indoors and Outdoors)

November – Christmas (Indoors)

December – Grandparents (Indoors)

If you are keen to get booked onto any of these still to come this year please get in touch here.

Open Water Swimming

As you may know I do love a bit of sea swimming, I feel myself the complete benefit of meeting up with your pals regularily, and how the cold water of the north sea seems to reach in and grab all that stress and just float away with it.  I had been thinking about doing something like this for a while but wanted to say on dry land with my decent camera to make sure that the emotion and joy was captured for you to look back on and really smile.

It's through this association have started photoshoots of groups of up to four on their adventures. I stay dry side onthe shore line with the long lens and click away as much as I can during your swim with limited posing as it where – maybe just a little instruction to capture your best side. And you and your group get all the images I manage to get, I do love to have a bit of fun of course, so might make some suggestions, but lets chat and get your open water swim journey captured.

All of these images were taken from land, and I have to admit it wasn't the best tide or my preferred light, but I go when you go, its your swim.

Swim packages are £100* for up to four people (so you could have me all to yourself if you prefer), and all the edited digital images are yours. If you have a bigger group please get in touch, Ive based it on four people and 30 mins given the safe time you'll be in the water (esp if skins) and giving me enough time to focus on each person.

Please note that I will only work with groups who have some experience of cold water swimming, have the appropriate safety gear, and recognise that these are shallow water photos.


Pets owners will know that the unconditional love that you get from animals is a thing to behold. How they consume time with their funny antics and daily routines, the way only they look at you, and how on earth you ever wondered how you lived without them.

Pets muscle into your life and leave a whopping big stamp on your heart. With the arrival of my own little whirlwind pooch, I have definitely learned a lot about animal photography - she is never still for a single second! She is actually a photographers nightmare pet, but I am just a bit besotted with her. And it lead me to other dog owners, and that 'unconditional love' bit lead me to horse owners.

Although this is a fledgling part of my business it will grow and grow, prices reflect my learning phase. I'm focusing on outdoor Canine and Equine portraits just now, this will expand as my experience grows. The pet package is £150* for all edited digital images, and a 30 min shoot, however discount will apply if you fancy more that one shoot in a year to capture the seasons.

Expanding and Growing

So there you go.  Where I am going to fit it all in is another matter entirely but my heart is happy in how it is being directed and drawn too other forms of photography. I hope this makes you want to get your shoot booked in and make this little business lady do another little happy dance!

Thanks for reading if you got this far, and little likes, shares, and comments are very welcome.

Your photographer, Tina

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