2020 Awards are in! But I can't decide.....

Tina Stobbs • February 9, 2021

And in a tough year for the whole industry – It is amazing news!

Saturday 6th February 2021 saw the annual awards for the Guild of Photographers take place – not in the fancy Crewe Hall as we would normally be, but on line, in our finest top halves, in Zoom ‘tables’ of our own making. So sat here in North Tyneside, diet coke and New Zealand treats in hand, I was ready to watch it all unfold.

Whilst a shame to not be at Crewe, all together, with all the glitter and sparkle, I for one was really grateful we got to have an award ceremony at all! It seems the competition attracted 16, 024 entries over the year! 

The pandemic has seen a huge amount of the photography industry not operating. We’ve all seen what has happened to the wedding industry, and newborns suffered the same. And whilst we were never classed as an essential service, we are time critical, that newborn is only newborn for a few short weeks. When in fact things have never been safer in my view – with Mum’s isolating from 38 weeks, and then getting home to no visitors who tend to be carrying all the normal cold bugs. It’s the most germ free we have ever been!

It has been harder for first time parents to consider their newborn shoots safe this year I think. I certainly had no questions asked of my second and third (or even 8th) time Mum’s. Maybe that is because they have seen and experienced how I work – I don’t know. I do know that first time Mums in the pandemic have had it really tough with the limitations on Dads attending scans etc, it is no wonder they have been super cautious. I would have been.

So being able to shoot was a blessing at all! I only undertook about a quarter of the newborn shoots that I normally would last year, so had far less imagery to work with for my Image of the Month entries.

Briefly how the competition works is that each month we submit 3 images into the category of our choice – for me Newborn. There are 10 competition months in the year.

On the 21st of each month the results come out and images awarded either:

  • A Platinum Bar .. Images of exceptional or outstanding quality (only awarded to the ultimate of images)
  • A Gold Bar .. Images of particular distinction (very rare)
  • A Silver Bar .. Images that are very well crafted (difficult to achieve)
  • A Bronze Bar .. Images of a strong standard at a national competition level (something to be proud of)...Those scoring a High Bronze, not far from Silver will be notified, for personal information - it is not a separate award.
  • Classified .. Images of a standard worthy of acknowledgement relevant to the genre entered but which are not deemed award winning at national competition level. In many cases it is possible that with one or two small tweaks these images could have scored even higher, so feedback could be of value.
  • Not scored .. Images that do not reach our 'Classified' level score will not be given a grade. Often images in this position do evidence competition potential, but require some things to be different for the image to score higher in a national competition. In some cases it can be just one thing that prevents a higher score such as dust spots which are clearly visible or the accidental inclusion of a business watermark. Feedback would be of value in these cases so it is well worth considering it.

This year all of my submitted images scored points with 25 Bronze and only 5 Silver this year. It’s a first that all my images have obtained awards, but a disappointing amount of Silvers (more on that later).

Each award scores points

Platinum – 10 points, Gold – 7 points, Silver – 4 points, Bronze – 2 points.

For bronze I scored 25 x 2 =50

For Silver I scored 5 x 4 = 20

A total of 70 points for the year. This is a great score – but what matters is how it maps against the criteria for the Photographers Bar or being in the Top Ten in your category.

For the Top Ten it is simple, its about who got the most points in the category.

For the Photographers Bar it is tricky. To achieve the Photographers Bar you must score 24 points over 8 months of the competition. So you have to take your best 8 months and hope you have enough points to achieve the Bar. This shows consistency. It means you can’t have someone enter three months get all Golds and still achieve the Bar, it is over the 8 months – so is difficult to do – especially when a significant period of the year is in Lockdown!

So all that explained……. I am delighted to have been in the

Top Ten Newborn Photographers for the 5th year running

AND To have achieved the

Photographers Bar for the 5th year running

– particularly proud of that one in this stop start year.

But should I carry on? I can't decide?

I have considered if I will carry on again this year – and here’s why. Last year I struggled – and not just because we were in lockdown and shooting was sporadic but because in February 2020 I achieved my Master Craftsman Status in Newborn, the highest accolade the Guild can give – and I put so much pressure on myself to be getting better awards, I felt like I just bombed.

But I have had a chance to reflect now, look at all the awards images from last year and I love them, loved them then loved them now. I love my work. I have had a bit of a think about trying new things as I am going to give it a go. Why not ah. What do you think?

2020 was a global pandemic where we spent over half in Lockdown, this I must remember. And be thankful for all the Mum’s that trusted me during that time when we were all a bit up in the air and getting by. I know I was. So Im delighted with these results it what was certainly not a normal year!

This year is underway already, and because you need 8 months entries, January’s images are submitted, Februarys being worked on, and the ball starts rolling again…. But I can't decide!!!


Thank you for all your ongoing support – I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I’m just a wee lass from New Zealand living in Whitley Bay – this stuff doesn’t happen to me!

Your photographer - Tina

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