Captured Forever is four years old!

Tina Stobbs • June 8, 2018

Four years ago this month, Captured Forever was born.

Back then, it was a rebirth for my photography business, and what a gorgeous, well-rounded, boisterous, fun-loving four-year-old my business baby has turned in to since then!

I can’t believe it’s my fourth business birthday already, and to celebrate, I thought I’d have a wee look back at the weeks, months and years that have passed with a summation of some stats (get me!).

In the past 48 months (208 weeks or 1,460 ish days…) I have worked, laughed, squidged, coddled, cooed, snapped and generally ahhh’d with:

·More than 200 newborns

·70 little (cake) smashers

·50 sitters

·20 sets of twins

·One set of triplets

I’m so lucky!

Oh, and there have been some awards too, which I’ve squeeeee’d about every. single. time.

Because they mean so much to me. As a result of submitting my work to the Guild of Photographers (a national body with a well respected panel of expert judges in the UK), I’ve achieved:

·105 bronze awards

·7 silver awards

·Two photographer’s bar awards

·I came 8th in the whole of the UK in the newborn category in 2016

·Moved up to 5th in the whole of the UK in the newborn category in 2017

·AND had an image selected for newborn in the Image of the Year competition 2017

Goodness, I’m just a little bit giddy seeing all that written down. What a busy four years I’ve had!

Let’s take a little look back

I’ve always loved photography. As a kid, I was always the one behind the camera rather than in front of it. I’d always grab the camera and snap away – my poor parents had to deal with rolls and rolls of film (remember those days?!). There is even a famous photo when my mother got on a tandem bike with my dad (the only time I can remember her ever being on a bike) and I was so excited I only managed to snap the front wheel in the frame!!!

When, on my 18th birthday, they bought me my first decent camera, I was over the moon. But, as much as I loved taking photos, little did I realise I’d turn my passion into a thriving business someday.

My first digital SLR was lovingly purchased during a trip to Australia (I’m always one to take advantage of Duty Free!) and when my HR career came to an end in 2012, photography seemed to pull me in again.

As some of you may know I started out shooting landscape. In fact, I’ve photographed some of the most amazing places on the planet during my travels before the kids came along. Six years ago, I set up I Just Love This Photography, snapping away at local landmarks (St Mary’s Lighthouse is one of my favourite places on earth!) and capturing family memories. The above photo caught in a storm with a lightening bolt,was adopted as the icon image for the Paint the Town pink Breast Cancer Awareness campaign and hangs in the Mayor's office!!

Under the watchful gaze of some of my early photography mentors I dipped my toe in the water of baby photography in 2014, when I changed the name of my business to I Just Love This Babies (my daughter’s idea). At the time, I was dead nervous and leaned on my social media photographer friends for guidance.

I had one prop. Yes, one.

I snapped the heck out of that one prop and was quite proud of what I’d achieved with my very first baby shoot. All my photographer friends said I’d done well. I felt very proud. And this little lady has remained a firm favorite of mine to photograph.

Looking back how I would shoot similar shots now...? Well, let’s just say, it’s clear to see that my skills have moved on slightly, not to mention my burgeoning props supply!

Why Captured Forever?

After six months, and a trip home to New Zealand at Christmas, I decided to rebrand my business to become Captured Forever.

I introduced the new logo, featuring the purple (my favourite colour) and the silver fern (to represent my Kiwi heritage) and took a huge leap forward.

I made the decision because, while newborn and baby photography is definitely the very foundations of my business, I never want to rule out other forms of photography. I love helping people to preserve precious family memories. My passion is to create treasured pieces of photography to reflect family history – I never want my customers to lose memories of moments, together with family.

Captured Forever allows me to retain my core passion, but venture out to help people capture their moments and memories forever.

Twee? Maybe, but I don’t care. I love it.

Plans for the future…

Well, my first plan is a huge residential training course which is happening next week (week commencing 11 June 2018). I’ll be staying away from home, keeping company with representatives from the Guild of Photographers and learning some new skills to boot. I’ll be sure to pop back and tell you all about it.

Looking slightly further ahead, my plans are to introduce some shoots for Tweenies – you know the age. That adorable stage before ‘too cool for school’ sets in and they’re more interested in football, make-up and social media. Personally, I’d like to preserve them at that age but without the benefit of time-defying technology, photographs of their gorgeous faces will have to suffice. Who’s with me?

I’d also like to expand my repertoire of sitters – they’re just so squidgy and cute at that age. They aren’t quite moving yet but they’re blossoming into their own little personalities – Adorable!

So, there we have it. I’ve reminisced, I’ve pondered, I’ve donned my little birthday hat and I’ve blown my party blower with abandon (I think it’s slightly soggy now, from all the celebrations). I guess it’s time to go and sweep up all the confetti, finish the last of the cake, pack the banners away and press on with some actual work!

Thanks for reading and here’s to the next four years. But please feel free to leave me a comment to let me know how you’d like to see Captured Forever move forward in the months and years to come – I’d love to hear from you.

Yours in pictures,

Tina x

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