Join me for a baby shower…

Tina Stobbs • March 8, 2018

What?: Baby shower for expectant parents in North Tyneside

When?: Tuesday March 20th 2018 from 6pm

Where?: Evan’s Bistro in Whitley Bay (on the corner of Station Road and Whitley Road, NE26 2SY)

Why?: For all sorts of reasons – but not least because you’ll get an awesome buffet tea and a goody bag, with bits and pieces to make your parenting journey easier and more fun!

How much?: Tickets are available in advance at £5 each or two for £8

Ok, so are you, or do you know anyone who is, expecting a baby in 2018? Are you based in North Tyneside? How would you like to meet other expectant parents in North Tyneside and find out about businesses in the area that could make your personal parenting journey easier and more fun?

Well, I’ve joined forces with the awesome Parenting Journey to bring bumps and their parents together at a family-friendly venue in Whitley Bay to enjoy a fabulous baby shower event. But don’t worry, we won’t make you wear a pink fluffy tiara or taste some truly revolting baby food (unless you want to…).

No, this event is all about you. It’s about meeting like-minded people, eating some awesome food, enjoying a (non-alcoholic) drink* or two and finding out loads of information about pregnancy, birth and your life beyond.

This isn’t the first time we’ve run one of these events… oh no! In fact, this is the 7th baby shower event of its kind that we’ve run in Whitley Bay and, let me tell you, they’ve all been a fabulous success. So, don’t hang about. Those tickets will fly out of the door and I’d hate for you to miss out!

Expectant parents’ event

We all know that the parenting journey is an exciting one. Lots of milestones to look out for, new experiences cropping up left, right and centre… but it’s much more fun and satisfying when you’ve got other parents to share it with. So, why not come along to our event on Tuesday 20th March and meet up with other expectant parents in the area and share your experiences.

There’s no pressure. We don’t expect anyone to stand up and make a speech or anything (heavens, no!). We’re just about putting on a relaxed evening in a family-friendly setting, enjoying some gorgeous food from the buffet (I’ve tried it, it’s ace!) and mooching around some stunning stalls.

You see, we’ve worked hard on your behalf to gather up a gorgeous group of local businesses who, we think, could provide products and services to you and your bump, baby, toddler and family in general.

Come along and find out about pregnancy yoga, baby activities, parent and baby swimming lessons, beautiful personalised jewellery and so much more.

There will be food and drinks aplenty and we’ll even personally introduce you to other expectant parents who live in your immediate vicinity – what better way to start up your baby network than over a few drinks and some finger food?

This list isn’t set in stone (we all know plans can change), but here’s an idea of the kinds of businesses you could meet at the event:

· Yogabellies (pregnancy and baby yoga classes)

· Puddleducks (baby and parent swimming lessons)

· Tots Play (baby and toddler classes)

· Bump to Buggy Fitness (fitness classes for new mums)

· Tumbles and Grumbles (paediatric first aid courses)

· My Retreat (stunning treatments during pregnancy and for new mums)

· Smallprint Jewellery (personalised jewellery)

· Evan's Bistro (family friendly venue)

·And me! Captured Forever (newborn photography)

What’s not to love!?

So please, don’t miss out as this is a ticketed event. Email me to get your tickets – you won’t regret it. And don’t forget to spread the word!

See you there,

Tina x

*There will be alcoholic drinks available on the night should anyone in your party fancy one!

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