I’m at the bar… again!

Tina Stobbs • February 16, 2018

“Becoming a member of the Photographer's Bar is a unique distinction awarded to those photographers who have successfully had images assessed by the Guild over the course of a year, and attained a score equating to an award for each entry made, thereby evidencing an exceptional level of professional skill and consistency - a distinction that is very difficult to achieve” The Guild of Photographers

Squeaaaa! I got the Photographer’s Bar. Again!

And not only that, but I’ve moved up from 8th position last year, to 5th in the whole entire country, this year! *does a little dance*

Ahem, excuse me. I just had to get that out. I promise I’ll make more sense from now on... Maybe.

As any of my regular followers will know, I take my photography very seriously. And not just because it’s my business, but because I love it. And the reason I get out of bed every day is to provide my fabulous customers with the best newborn photography I can possibly muster.

I have a props addiction (there, I admit it) and I spend SO much time getting every photoshoot prepared and perfect – sometimes my family despairs!

The Photographer’s Bar

But it’s all worth it when I get news that I’ve got the Photographer’s Bar for the second year running. (If you’re still not sure what that is, have another read of the official bit at the top, or hop off over here for a more in-depth explanation.)

While this makes me jump about like a lunatic in my fluffy slippers and PJs, what it means (and here’s the serious bit) is that you, my customers, can rest easy in your slippers. If you’ve booked a newborn shoot with me, you’ll be getting a service that is not only highly professional, practiced and polished, but is backed by experience, a proven track record and a great big double thumbs-up from a national Photography body – the Guild of Photographers.

There aren’t that many photographers who achieve this award every year, and we’re kept on our toes once we’ve hung the certificate the first time too. We can’t just sit back and admire it. Oh no. It must be earned every year, by submitting entries into the Guild of Photographers’ monthly awards.

So, here’s my promise to you. I will continue to take the best newborn photographs I can, make entries into the awards and work my fluffy Kiwi socks off, to stay at the Bar. Who’s with me?

My story of the Awards

So, allow me to take you on a little story-telling journey of my night at the Guild Awards. Fancy it? Then let’s go…

Spinning back to just a few of years back, I wasn’t a member of the Guild of Photographers, I wasn’t submitting images into a monthly awards competition and I didn’t have even half the number of props I have now.

But I knew I wanted to take my photography skills to the next level so that I could deliver an outstanding service to my customers. Newborns were my real passion so I took the step to focus my business on that area. Captured Forever was born in 2014 and I haven’t looked back since.

Fast forward to 3 February 2018 and there I was, a slightly hyper Kiwi photographer from Whitley Bay, standing in the most amazing venue (Crewe Hall in Cheshire, check it out !) with my lashes done, spray tan set, LBD swinging around me knees and some killer heels (well for me) to finish off the look.

I didn’t attend the awards last year, when I was placed 8th in the category of Newborn and Baby photography. But this year? I wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to side-line the Crocs and break out the aforementioned LBD.

Imagine my delight when I walked in to the Awards and discovered that one of my images had been chosen to appear in the official Awards book – a glossy, gorgeous, coffee table style brochure, put together to showcase some of the UK’s best photographers and their work! OMG moment number one of the evening!

The UK’s photography glitterati were out in force. Everyone dressed up to the nines and sashaying around Crewe Hall like Lords and Ladies of the Manor – I was totally out of my comfort zone, but loving every second! Thankfully I had my marvellous mentor, Claire Elliott, by my side to keep the nerves in check.

The dining room was amazing. Glitz and glamour everywhere. Sparkles and shimmer, excitement and anticipation – I loved it!

We were treated to a sumptuous dinner with all the trimmings and then… it was time for the Awards themselves. I was nominated in the top ten Newborn and Baby Category. Yes. One of the top ten in the whole UK – what an honour! But tonight wasn’t just about Newborns – we were celebrating outstanding photography in a number of categories: Avant Garde and Contemporary Portraiture, Baby and Toddler, Birds, Children's Portraiture, Classical Portraiture, Commercial, Creative and Digital Art, Events, Sports and Action, Flora and Insect, Nature and Wildlife, Newborn and Maternity, Pet, Rural and Landscape, Urban, and Wedding. Phew! I was in amongst the best!

So, names were announced, winners revealed, speeches given, tears wiped, Mums thanked… it was awesome – just like being at the Oscars, only for photographers instead of theatre and film luvvies.

When it came to the Newborn and Baby category, I didn’t win the top prize, but I was absolutely over the moon to find I’d won 5th place in the whole country for my much-loved newborn photos. OMG. I’m not too proud to admit it – I cried.

The whole experience was incredible and, as I sat at my glitzy table, staring at my name tag and sipping my sparkling water from a crystal champagne flute, I felt so lucky to be doing what I’m doing. I might have mentioned in the past that I adore my job. Meeting families, snuggling gorgeous newborns, providing lasting memories of treasured moments – what’s not to love? But I couldn’t do it without all of you. You place your trust in me by becoming my customers, and I’m the proudest Kiwi/Geordie photographer in the world to be able to stand up and say, I’m an Award-Winning Photographer.

Thank you x

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